
Understanding Your Air Conditioner. Tech with customer.

Understanding Your Air Conditioner

July 15, 2024

Your air conditioner lives in your home full time—why not get acquainted with it nd start understanding your air conditioner.  By understanding your air conditioner and your AC’s components and functions, you’ll have an easier time caring for it. Problems will be easier to identify and communicate to one of our Ocean State Air Solutions specialists.

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5 Common AC Problems. A running air conditioning unit.

5 Common AC Problems

June 28, 2024

When you change out a dirty filter for a clean one, your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment use up to 15 percent less energy monthly, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Plus, it’s able to properly catch dust and debris, boosting your indoor air quality (IAQ).

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SEER––What Does It Mean? Circle knob with

SEER––What Does It Mean?

June 14, 2024

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. This universal rating system helps you determine the efficiency of your Rhode Island air conditioning (AC) unit or heat pump. 

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Zone Your Way to Comfort. Person using home automation to control lighting, heating, air conditioning ... etc in modern apartment with fireplace, large windows with blinds, wooden floor and concrete ceiling.

Zone Your Way to Comfort

May 30, 2024

Zone controls are a series of dampers retrofitted in your ductwork, coupled with thermostats. They block or permit air from entering customized zones throughout your home. Zoning allows you to control different temperatures in different parts of your home.

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Controlling Humidity in Your Home. Women at window.

Controlling Humidity in Your Home

May 15, 2024

At the height of summer, the weather can get quite sticky here in Rhode Island.

Hot days feel much less bearable when accompanied by humidity. That’s because increased humidity makes it harder for your sweat to evaporate.

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Why Is a Home Dehumidifier Important? Glass door with condensation and a tree, high humidity.

Why Is a Home Dehumidifier Important?

April 30, 2024

Our professionals at Ocean State Air Solutions want to provide you with the information to create a healthy, comfortable environment for you and your family. Here is some important information about dehumidifiers and the role they play in your home’s health and comfort.

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Dad and toddler playing together.

Spring Money-Saving Tips

April 15, 2024

Take some of the following ideas from our professionals at Ocean State Air Solutions to heart and make some money-saving resolutions today.

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Sick little schoolgirl coughs and blows nose wiping with white paper napkin.

What Does Indoor Air Quality Have to Do With Allergies?

March 29, 2024

If your Newport home is facing air-quality issues, you may be suffering anything from minor discomfort to significant allergy or health problems.

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Learn the Facts About Carbon Monoxide. Woman watching technician installing a carbon monoxide detector in ceiling.

Learn the Facts About Carbon Monoxide

March 15, 2024

We often hear from Rhode Island customers who want to understand the risks of carbon monoxide (CO). At Ocean State Air Solutions, we’re glad to share as much information as possible about protecting your indoor air quality (IAQ)—especially when it comes to the deadly nature of this silent killer.

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Video - Does Indoor Air Quality Affect My Pet? Photo of cute puppy.

Video – Does Indoor Air Quality Affect My Pet?

February 29, 2024

Protect your pets from indoor air pollution by changing your air filters regularly.

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Contact the experts at Ocean State Air Solutions.

Call us at 401-293-0422!