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Jane LeBlanc has many responsibilities at OSA, but the one that makes her the most popular with customers is her role as a rebate specialist. “Many of our customers are eligible for two rebates: one from the Federal Infrastructure Bill funds and another from RI Energy,” said Jane. “The applications are very detailed, so I am happy to do the paperwork … all an OSA customer has to do is wait for the rebates to show up in their bank account!”

Jane joined OSA in 2015 after a long career in public health research. She describes herself as an optimist and is close to her two sons and husband, saying her marriage is “a Hallmark movie in real life.” A Portsmouth resident, Jane lives close enough to the new office to walk to work. “I work for a wonderful family business and couldn’t love my coworkers more,” said Jane. If you have questions about rebates or tax credits, call Jane at 401-293-0422.